What we learned from the 3-11-2011 Great East Japan Earthquakes and Tsunami
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
E-mail:[email protected]
Dear Friends & Supporters,
On behalf of the Love to Nippon Project, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us at the Love to Nippon 2021 – In Commemoration of Ten-Year Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquakes and Tsunami. Love to Nippon 2021 will explore how we can prepare for potential natural disasters by inviting expert speakers.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 5PM (PST)
Thursday, March 11, 2021 10 AM (Japan Time)
As for Program I, attendees will hear the survivor’s personal experience, and to learn about the recovery and rebuilding work in progress from Ofunato, Iwate. It will move on to a discussion among top experts in the field of natural disasters which include international search & rescue activity, an overview on the science of the predictability of future occurrences, as well as focusing on key preparedness tactics. This international Webinar conference is co-hosted by JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles. Both Japanese & English translation will be provided.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 8:30 PM (PST)
Thursday, March 11, 2021 1:30 PM (Japan Time)
Program II will be a webinar event hosted by Love to Nippon Project and will include Video Messages from the US to Tohoku (Japan’s northeastern region). Virtual candlelight vigil service, music tributes and performances will follow. To honor the memory of those who have perished and to celebrate the resilient spirit of those rebuilding their lives, we will come together as a community to pray, remember and learn from the tragic experiences to help us in the future. We encourage members of your organization to participate and share the importance of natural disaster preparation.
For details, please contact: [email protected]
Love to Nippon 2021 Committee
Love to Nippon 2021では第10回東日本大震災特別追悼集会を開催いたします。被災体験談や被災地の復興状況など自然災害に携わる専門家の皆さんのお話を伺いながら、今後、起こりうる自然災害にいかに対処して日常生活に活かしていくかを学習する機会とします。ご家族はじめ団体や職場のお仲間と共に、ふるってご参加ください。
プログラムIIでは、被災された方々を追悼し、復興へと力を注ぐ被災地のみなさまへ、さまざまな応援メッセージ、追悼音楽やパフォーマンス、サンタモニカ ビーチよりバーチャル キャンドル サービスをお届けします。尚、このプログラムIIはプログラムIとは異なる事前登録が必要です。
[email protected]Love to Nippon 2021 Committee